Custom Wholesale Balustrade & Reling

Heining reeks

Ander aluminium produkte

Wys tans 1–9 van 16 resultate

  • China GD railing design for balcony prices outdoor veranda composite deck system posts design house aluminum railing

    Aluminum railing that doesn’t rust GD aluminium Railing, it doesn’t rust as some other metal materials do when exposed to the elements for a prolonged period of time, making Impression Rail a superb choice for modern, low-maintenance outdoor spaces. Our aluminium railing system is very easy to install and it requires practically zero maintenance. No

  • Foshan GD railing profile balustrade handrail chine en verre aluminium pour balcon veranda white black turkey aluminium balustra

    Aluminum railing that doesn’t rust GD aluminium Railing, it doesn’t rust as some other metal materials do when exposed to the elements for a prolonged period of time, making Impression Rail a superb choice for modern, low-maintenance outdoor spaces. Our aluminium railing system is very easy to install and it requires practically zero maintenance. No

  • GD Aluminium balcony glass systems railing height install veranda wall composite designs for front porch terrace railing designs

    Aluminum railing that doesn’t rust GD aluminium Railing, it doesn’t rust as some other metal materials do when exposed to the elements for a prolonged period of time, making Impression Rail a superb choice for modern, low-maintenance outdoor spaces. Our aluminium railing system is very easy to install and it requires practically zero maintenance. No

  • GD Aluminium Fire Resistance A2 out door pool garden decking joist interlocking tiles pontoon aluminum balcony deck

    GD Decking is an innovative patent-pending design with clipping style for cover and base, which ensures that they can be installed quickly and easily without cutting. There’s eye-catching lines on the deck board, making the decking surface slip resistant and improving overall safety. Besides, the concept for movable deck board cover provides the customers with

  • GD Aluminium Frameless Decking Balcony Railing Handrail Balustrades+ Aluminum Glass Balustrade

    Aluminum railing that doesn’t rust GD aluminium Railing, it doesn’t rust as some other metal materials do when exposed to the elements for a prolonged period of time, making Impression Rail a superb choice for modern, low-maintenance outdoor spaces. Our aluminium railing system is very easy to install and it requires practically zero maintenance. No

  • GD aluminium glass balcony modern handrail staircase luxury outdoor design dwg post curved terrace balustrade stair railing

    Aluminum railing that doesn’t rust GD aluminium Railing, it doesn’t rust as some other metal materials do when exposed to the elements for a prolonged period of time, making Impression Rail a superb choice for modern, low-maintenance outdoor spaces. Our aluminium railing system is very easy to install and it requires practically zero maintenance. No

  • GD aluminium joist for decking structure deck roof joist water drainage composite wpc aluminum decking beam

    GD Decking is an innovative patent-pending design with clipping style for cover and base, which ensures that they can be installed quickly and easily without cutting. There's eye-catching lines on the deck board, making the decking surface slip resistant and improving overall safety. Besides, the concept for movable deck board cover provides the customers with

  • GD aluminium profile for glass railing aluminium security balustrades al laser cut designs systems parts aluminium glass railing

    Aluminum railing that doesn’t rust GD aluminium Railing, it doesn’t rust as some other metal materials do when exposed to the elements for a prolonged period of time, making Impression Rail a superb choice for modern, low-maintenance outdoor spaces. Our aluminium railing system is very easy to install and it requires practically zero maintenance. No

  • GD aluminum balcony railing for exterior alloy black decorative glass system veranda powder coated turkey aluminum railing price

    Aluminum railing that doesn’t rust GD aluminium Railing, it doesn’t rust as some other metal materials do when exposed to the elements for a prolonged period of time, making Impression Rail a superb choice for modern, low-maintenance outdoor spaces. Our aluminium railing system is very easy to install and it requires practically zero maintenance. No

Heining reeks

Ander aluminium produkte

Vir verby 30 jare ontwikkel ons innoverende produkte wat sterk is, duursaam, en maak die lewe makliker. Solank daar uitdagings daar buite is, ons sal voortgaan om intelligente oplossings te vind.

GD aluminium

Wat doen ons?

GD ontwerp, vervaardig en verskaf afwerkingsprodukte en -stelsels vir die konstruksiebedryf, met 'n passie en aanvoeling vir kliëntediens.

Ons fokus op vyf breë gebiede:

  • Aluminiumheiningstelsels
  • Modulêre Balustrade-stelsels
  • Aluminium Soffit-stelsels
  • Aluminium dreineringstelsels
  • Aluminium dekstelsels

Hoekom kies GD ?

Ryk style en volledige bykomstighede

Pasgemaakte bykomstighede

Innoverende LED-heining

Vinnige en Tydige Aflewering


GD aluminium

Hoekom is ons die beste in ons veld?

Ons spog met die bedryf se wydste verskeidenheid aluminiumheiningstyle om aan uiteenlopende voorkeure te voldoen., argitekte en installeerders om ons produkreekse te ontwikkel. Dit is hierdie noue samewerking wat ons in staat stel om innoverend te wees om te lewer wat op die grond werk.

Omdat ons groot voorraad hou, ons is in staat om die vinnige eise van die konstruksiebedryf te ondersteun. En, ons vriendelike span kundiges is altyd byderhand om die advies te gee wat jy nodig het.

Sterk krag

GD Aluminium Co., Bpk.

√ ekstrusielyne: 31
√ Vermoë: 180,000 ton per jaar;
√ Fabrieksbedekkings: 333,000 vierkante meter.
√ Ons span : verby 80 ingenieurs, meer as 2000 werknemers
√ Gespesialiseerd in: aluminium profiel ekstrusie vir bekleding, dekvloere, heining, deure, vensters ,reling, gordynmuur , kap, louwers , pergola, ens.
√ Gratis vir monster & Skimmel
√ Klein bestellings is aanvaarbaar, ook.
√ Al ons profiele kan aangepas word.

Maatskappy geskiedenis
Nommer van
verskeping houers
Nommer van
Aantal patente

Bly in kontak met ons

Hoe om ons te kontak?

Al ons profiele kan aangepas word.

Gespesialiseerd in: aluminium profiel ekstrusie vir bekleding, dekvloere, heining, deure, vensters ,reling, gordynmuur , kap, louwers , pergola, ens.

Oop elke dag vanaf


pos om enige vraag te vra

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Welkom by ons maatskappy

gewilde vrae

Gereelde vrae

A: Enige tipe reling wat ons kan verskaf.

A: Ons kenmerk 3 geëxtrudeerde aluminium top rail profiele - Round Top Rail, Square Top Rail en die Heritage Top Rail.

A: GD Aluminium relings is gemaak van aluminium (sal nie roes nie) en die blootgestelde oppervlaktes is afgewerk met 'n poeierlaagafwerking. & Houtbedekkingsrelings, Geen skildery nie, geen herverf nie, geen roes nie, geen priming nie, geen vlekke nie, geen herbekleding nie … ons kan aangaan.

A: Poeierbedekking is een van die duursaamste buiteafwerkings wat vandag beskikbaar is. Dit word gebruik op baie metaalitems wat aan die weer blootgestel word omdat, as afwerking, dit is die beste manier om duursaamheid te verseker, weerbestandheid, en kleurbehoud.

'n Poederbedekte afwerking is gedeeltelik verf en gedeeltelik polyester seëlaar/hars. Die afwerking word as 'n poeier aangewend, elektrostaties, en terwyl dit op hierdie manier aan die metaal gehou word, word in 'n oond gebak. Dit word gebak by 'n warm genoeg temperatuur so, in effek, die buitelaag van die metaal versmelt met die gesmelte poeier en vorm 'n harde, weerbestande afwerking.

A: Ons hou van die uitdaging van pasgemaakte ontwerpe - Handrelings, Omheining, Hekke, Trellis en enige tipe pasgemaakte aluminiumstruktuur. Kom ons bespreek jou behoeftes! Ons vervaardigingsvermoëns is slegs tot u verbeelding beperk!