GD Aluminium balcony glass systems railing height install veranda wall composite designs for front porch terrace railing designs

(1 kliënt resensie)


Aluminum railing that doesn’t rust GD aluminium Railing, it doesn’t rust as some other metal materials do when exposed to the elements for a prolonged period of time, making Impression Rail a superb choice for modern, low-maintenance outdoor spaces. Our aluminium railing system is very easy to install and it requires practically zero maintenance. No repainting or repairs are necessaryall the rail needs is an occasional wash! The aluminium railing system is supplied in all RAL colour that looks fantastic . The rail combines the traditiona. We only use aluminium in the construction of Impression Rail (unlike most other “wrought ironstyle handrails, which are made of steel and show signs of rust within a few years).
Deck Porch Railing
Staircase Railing
Beskikbare kleur :

Any RAL colour

3D Houtkorrel
Geanodiseer :

Natuurlik, Bruin, Veldtog, Sag Swart
Vinnig, Maklik 4 Step Install on site .

Step 1 – Install Post


Step 2 – Install Panel


Step 3 -Fix Handrails with Screw


Step 4 – Complete

Produk Aanbieding


Aluminium railings are quick and simple to install with no welding required. This system is polyester powder coated , which is great for indoor and outdoor use. – Aesthetically pleasing – Hoogs duursame poeierbedekking – Will not rust, splinter of vrot – Feitlik onderhoudsvry – Lightweight and easy to handleOn-site flexibility

Aluminium 6063 T6
Non-combustible, Lightweight
Customized Size
IN 13501 – 1, A2s1, d0
Maklik & Vinnig
10 Jaar waarborg
1.3mm, 1.4mm, 1.5mm, 1.8mm, 2.0mm
Highrise balconiesRooftop terracesGarden RailingDeck Porch RailingSchool, HotelsStaircase, WalkwaysCommercial Building
Aluminium glass railing for balconies, walkways and upper levels. Introducing the new balustrade range, this ingenious system allows you to easily create a modern, safe railing. Despite its stripped-down looks, this system is more than strong enough to provide a robust terrace or balcony railing.New style options combine form, function and versatility to add a rich, stylish look to your home while adding safety and security at the same time. Choose traditional square baluster rail panels, or for a truly high end look, try glass slats for your infill.


Railing Accessories
Verwante produkte
Maatskappy Inleiding
Foshan GD aluminium Co., Bpk. √ Maatskappy geskiedenis: 19 yearsextrusion lines: 31√ Capabilities: 180,000 ton per jaar;√ Factory covers: 333,000 square meter.Our Team : verby 80 ingenieurs, meer as 2000 werknemers√ Gespesialiseerd in: aluminium profiel ekstrusie vir bekleding, dekvloere, heining, deure, vensters ,

reling, gordynmuur , kap, louwers , pergola, ens. √ Free for Sample & Skimmel√ Small orders are acceptable, too.All of our profiles can be customized.
Gereelde vrae
V: Watter tipe reling het jy ? A: Enige tipe reling wat ons kan verskaf.

V: Watter boonste relings is beskikbaar ? A: Ons kenmerk 3 extruded aluminum top rail profilesRound Top Rail, Square Top Rail en die Heritage Top Rail.
V: Wat beteken onderhoudsvry ?
A: GD Aluminium relings is gemaak van aluminium (sal nie roes nie) en die blootgestelde oppervlaktes is afgewerk met 'n poeierlaagafwerking. & Houtbedekkingsrelings, Geen skildery nie, geen herverf nie, geen roes nie, geen priming nie, geen vlekke nie, no recoatswe could go on.
V: Wat is poeierbedekking en hoekom gebruik dit ?
A: Poeierbedekking is een van die duursaamste buiteafwerkings wat vandag beskikbaar is. Dit word gebruik op baie metaalitems wat aan die weer blootgestel word omdat, as afwerking, dit is die beste manier om duursaamheid te verseker, weerbestandheid, en kleurbehoud.
'n Poederbedekte afwerking is gedeeltelik verf en gedeeltelik polyester seëlaar/hars. Die afwerking word as 'n poeier aangewend, elektrostaties, en terwyl dit op hierdie manier aan die metaal gehou word, word in 'n oond gebak. Dit word gebak by 'n warm genoeg temperatuur so, in effek, die buitelaag van die metaal versmelt met die gesmelte poeier en vorm 'n harde, weerbestande afwerking.
V: Bied jy pasgemaakte ontwerp ?
A: Ons hou van die uitdaging van pasgemaakte ontwerpe – Handrails, Omheining, Hekke, Trellis en enige tipe pasgemaakte aluminiumstruktuur. Kom ons bespreek jou behoeftes! Ons vervaardigingsvermoëns is slegs tot u verbeelding beperk!

1 hersiening vir GD Aluminium balcony glass systems railing height install veranda wall composite designs for front porch terrace railing designs


    Robust and elegant, the Aluminum Railing is a perfect addition to my property.

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