我们所做的一切始终专注于帮助您使您的项目取得成功 !

我们建立持久的关系,让 GD 与众不同?

我们为客户提供无与伦比的服务. 从绘图,
报价和物流以完成您的项目. 为您提供
清晰的信息并分享我们无与伦比的 GD 知识,
确保您的项目成功交付 & 以有竞争力的价格.
Our aim is to ensure you want to bring your future business to GD.


Manufacturing multiple designs of aluminum fence,
甲板, 栏杆, batten and wall cladding for various preferences.
Custom accessories to meet special project requirement perfectly.


We Act, We Plan, 我们的确是 & We Check.
Strict quality checks throughout production process with
detailed Reports, Videos and Images.
Owing CE, SGS, RoHs, ISO, Intertek certificates.


如有问题可一对一更换, 提供客户
with a worry-free shopping experience. Addressing customer
concerns with 4 hour call processing and on-site assistance
within 72 小时, ensuring prompt and effective service.



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